Lecture On Local War Memorials

Hounslow and District History Society

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The subject of Hounslow and District History Society’s next lecture is Local War Memorials. It will take place at the United Reformed Church Hall, Chapel Road, Hounslowon Tuesday 26 March 2013 at 8pm. The speaker is David Bright, a Hounslow Heritage Guide and a Member of both the Brentford & Chiswick as well as the Hounslow & District History Societies.

Life was completely different between 1914 and 1918. Mr Bright will talk about the history and background of the First World War Memorials in the London Borough of Hounslow. This is all the more poignant with the centenary of the outbreak of World War I next year.

War Memorials have been in the news a great deal recently with the highly regrettable theft of the metal from them. This has evoked particular interest in them and is likely to be mentioned during the talk.

Everyone is welcome to attend at £1.50 for non-members inclusive of tea or coffee and biscuits.

March 18, 2013