Reynard Mills Approved

195 home development to move forward

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Notting Hill have obtained planning consent for a 195 home development at last week's Planning Committee.

The development includes 72 3 and 4 bed houses, 42 'affordable rent' flats, 39 shared ownership flats and a further 42 flats.

The houses would be mostly in two and three storey terraces, with the flats in four and five storey blocks.

There will be 200 parking spaces.

Reynard Mills

Planning obligations include over £600,000 contribution to education (in the borough), £70,000 towards improvements to the Windmill Road/A4 junction, £10,000 towards a consultation on amendments to the local CPZ, £32,630 towards local open space, £10,000 to community facilities, £120,600 to public realm works.

A S106 agreement needs to be made.

There is a time limit imposed of five years, before which construction must have started.

Windmill Road Action Group, which campaigned against three earlier applications, welcomed the approved scheme as far more in keeping with the surrounding area.

"The new developers have listened to and addressed residents’ concerns, many of which will be protected by planning conditions.

"While there will be a large amount of on-site parking, we are pleased that there will also be funds to pay for a review of the neighbouring CPZ’s.  This will enable the CPZ hours to be reviewed if there are overflow parking pressures from Reynard Mills".


The next stage is to ensure that the demolition and construction arrangements cause the minimum of disruption to the schools and homes which border the Reynard Mills site.


November 5, 2014

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