Taking Steps To Protect Your Home From Break- Ins | |||
Police warn that burglars operate in summer weather
Police have warned local residents to be on the alert for the potential for break-ins through unlocked windows and doors during the summer months. A large percentage of break-ins take place in the summer months, where entry is gained through insecure windows and doors. With the hot weather here now, there are basic steps to help prevent crime to your home and vehicle: Remember to close and lock all your windows, even if you are only going out for a few minutes. Make sure windows are fitted with a good lock appropriate for the window type. Always double lock your front door. Avoid leaving valuables, house or car keys near windows. In Your Vehicle Display and you'll pay. Don't tempt thieves - take your belongings with you. Close your windows and sunroof, lock all doors and activate any security devices when leaving the vehicle even for a few minutes. Check your doors manually as automatic locking devices can sometimes be affected by electronic interference. Remove parking permits and portable satellite navigation systems including their cradle ensuring to wipe the window where the satellite navigation holder may have left a visible mark. Consider getting a steering lock or gear stick lock to improve security of your unattended vehicle. In a non-emergency report crime online at www.met.police.uk or by phoning 101. Alternatively you can provide information about any crime anonymously by calling Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.