Free Flu Jabs Still Available | |||||
High risk groups can avoid severe complications
With flu on the increase, people living in Hounslow are being encouraged to take advantage of the free NHS flu jabs which are still available to high risk groups. People entitled to a free flu vaccination include: Children under five
For these high risk groups, flu can lead to severe complications, including pneumonia and bronchitis, so getting vaccinated is very important. The vaccine is given in the form of a nasal spray to children aged between two and five, and this painless, needle-free vaccination works even better than the injection. High risk children aged up to 18 will also be offered the nasal spray vaccine. You can get your free flu jab or spray from your GP surgery and from some pharmacies. Dr Nicola Burbidge, chair of Hounslow CCG said: “Some people think flu is just like having a bad cold, but the reality is it can be very nasty indeed. “The potential complications for people in the high risk categories, such as pregnant women, children, and people over 65, are severe, and, especially for older people, can be fatal. “It is very rare to suffer from any serious side effects after a flu jab, but some patients experience a mild temperature or aching muscles for a day or two. “It is important to be vaccinated not just for your own health, but also to prevent spreading the virus to others.”
February 6, 2015 |