Quit Smoking in October

Sign up to Stoptober with friends, family and colleagues

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If you are a smoker in Hounslow, sign up now to Stoptober, a 28-day stop smoking campaign from Public Health England (PHE). You will receive support and encouragement every step of the way from some of the nation’s top comedians. To stand an even better chance of quitting, sign up with your friends, family and colleagues.


Research shows that smokers are two-thirds (67%) more likely to quit when their spouse stops smoking, and a third more likely to quit when a close friend (36%) or someone they work with (34%) stops. The data also shows that individuals are much more likely (61%) to smoke if their partner or a close friend smokes, showing the powerful influence that people’s social networks have on their own smoking behaviour.

This year, Stoptober will encourage you to quit smoking with a personal touch from some of the nation’s leading comedians: Bill Bailey, Rhod Gilbert, Al Murray and Shappi Khorsandi.

Over a quarter of a million people across the country signed up to Stoptober last year with more than half making it to 28 days. This year, it is expected the campaign will welcome the millionth sign up. By stopping smoking for 28 days you are 5 times more likely to stop for good.

Dr Nicola Burbidge, Chair of Hounslow CCG says: “With 80,000 people a year in England dying as a result of smoking, there has never been a better time to quit. Stopping smoking has several health benefits: reduced blood pressure, easier breathing and better circulation. It is one of the best things a person can do to improve their September 8, 2015ns and dying early.

"Stoptober is a great way for residents in Hounslow to quit at the same time and maximise their chances of getting through 28 days smokefree.”

Sign up to Stoptober now and choose from a range of free support tools including daily emails, text messages and a mobile phone app which includes useful tips and advice - all of which have shown to increase the chances of staying smokefree.

To find out more, search Stoptober online or visit smokefree.nhs.uk/stoptober.


September 8, 2015

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