Cyclist Knocks Down Barnes Town Centre Manager

Emma Robinson who has championed provisions for bikes was leaving council meeting

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Emma Robinson

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Barnes Town Centre Manager Emma Robinson was leaving a council meeting in Twickenham in August was knocked down by a cyclist cycling on the pavement. Ironic as Emma has been very active in trying to improve provision for cyclists in Barnes.

Emma was subsequently taken to hospital and experienced severe concussion. The cyclist, fled the scene but was apprehended by Steven Mindel, Chair of the BCA, who gave chase.

Emma told this website,"I am contacted fairly regularly by residents who have had a near miss with a cyclist on the pavements and alleyways of Barnes. This issue has been brought to the forefront recently as I became a victim of an accident caused by a cyclist riding on the pavement. I suffered nasty concussion and further hospital visits with the complications of a head injury. This was over a month ago and I have been told it will take a couple more months for me to completely recover. Police response has been slow and I have had to push hard to find out what was happening with my case. I was horrified to discover that the penalties for a hit and run cycling accident are nowhere near as severe as for the same accident in a car. Once I have fully recovered I will consider whether I will take up this issue locally. Whilst I want to encourage cycling and to make it easier for cyclists to get around Barnes, it needs to be at safe speeds and with respect for pedestrians."

Barnes residents have been concenred by the slow response from the police to the accident, and this site has been advied by one Barnes resident that the case is only being pursued because Emma has been lobbying.

MP for Barnes Zac Goldsmith, told this website,"Emma has been a champion for cyclists, as well as a brilliantly active town centre manager. I’m pleased she has recovered, but appalled by what happened.  Clearly the police need to take a stronger stance on this sort of behaviour."

September 20, 2016

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