Parking Tickets to Be Cancelled

If issued on Boxing Day or New Year's Day and if you ask

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Motorists who received a fine for parking on a yellow line on Boxing Day last year and New Year’s Day this year, including many supporters attending Brentford FC’s matches on Boxing Day, are to have their penalty charges cancelled after a large number of complaints. The refunds will not be made automatically, you will need to contact the Council to get your money back.

Cllr Amrit Mann, deputy leader of Hounslow Council, said: “As a show of good will , we have decided to cancel and refund all those who received a ticket who parked on a single yellow line on Boxing Day 2014 and New Year’s Day 2015.”

The move comes after motorists complained about receiving a ticket last Boxing Day.

Cllr Mann added: “We have decided to listen and respond. We will also be undertaking a review of parking policy on bank holidays to see if there is a way to relax them without compromising public safety. But motorists are reminded it’s their responsibility to park legally, checking signage and the council’s website where necessary."

Motorists issued with penalty charge notices (PCNs) on both days are asked to contact the council as soon as possible on 020 8583 2000 or by email to, quoting the PCN reference number

PCNs issued to motorists for parking dangerously – such as on the ‘zig-zag’ lines at pedestrian crossings – will not be cancelled and must be paid in accordance with the instructions on the ticket.

January 29, 2015

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