Wheeled Bins To Be Delivered Next Week

Collections from the areas selected for the trial begin on July 15

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Around 7,500 households will get a wheeled bin for the first time next week as part of the controversial trial organised by Hounslow Council. The bins will start being delivered to doorsteps from 8 July and collections will begin from 15 July. 

The 140-litre bins will be distributed to residents in Chiswick Riverside, Syon, Heston West, Hounslow West and Feltham West.  Letters have already been distributed to households in the areas selected by the Council for the trial.

Residents and councillors in the Riverside area of Chiswick have complained that they do not want wheeled bins to be introduced, but the Council has said it is a trial aimed at reducing landfill and avoiding the problem of plastic bags being split open attracting vermin.

Councillor Colin Ellar, deputy leader and cabinet member for environment, said he was looking forward to seeing how effective the wheeled bins were at making streets cleaner.

“I am keen to see how they will improve Hounslow’s recycling rate, which helped save council taxpayers £2.5 million last year from paying landfill tax.” 

Last year’s recycling rate was 35%. Hounslow paid £2.3million in landfill tax last year, while £5.977 million was spent on waste disposal.


July 4, 2013