Has Your Kettle Run Out of Steam?

Council introduces recycling collection service for small electrical items


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Hounslow has introduced a recycling collection service for small electrical items.

Items, including hairdryers, kettles, toasters and irons, must fit into a supermarket carrier bag and be placed, in the bag, next to the other recycling boxes for collection each week (no more than one carrier bag per week).

Cllr Corinna Smart, the council’s lead member for environment, said, “Our residents have a recycling scheme which could enable them to recycle over 70% of their household waste.

“Last year residents recycled 34% of their waste. This year we need their help to recycle much more. To help, we have introduced the small electrical items scheme, which means people can now place items like hair dryers and toasters out with their weekly collections.”

A list of the types of electrical equipment that will be accepted is available on the website. If residents have an item that isn’t on this list, they can contact the team which will be able to let them know if it is suitable for collection.

As well as small electrical items, residents can already recycle:

• glass bottles and jars, cans, foil, aerosols, cardboard, drinks cartons, textiles and shoes, engine oil, car and household batteries, mobiles phones and toner cartridges in their recycling box.

• paper, using the paper bag, which should be placed on top of the recycling box on collection day.

• all food waste, including plate scrapings, meat and fish bones and fruit and vegetable peelings in the food waste bins, lined with newspaper or shredded paper. A compostable liner can also be purchased from local supermarkets.

• mixed plastic packaging, including plastic bottles, tubs, trays, pots and carrier bags, which are collected in the white reusable sack every other week.

• garden waste, including grass cuttings, leaves, hedge clippings, flowers and weeds, twigs and small branches, using the green re-useable sacks (sacks can be purchased from the council or residents can use the biodegradable sacks previously purchased from libraries or the council directly). Garden waste should be placed out on alternative weeks to plastics. Residents can check their calendars for information about collections dates.

For more information, visit www.hounslow.gov.uk/electrical_recycling, email recycling@hounslow.gov.uk or call 020 8583 5555.

June 30, 2010