Hounslow Conservatives Launch Twitter Account |
Want to find out what people are thinking
This week the Conservative opposition on Hounslow Council launched their own Twitter account as one of the many ways it hopes to connect to residents throughout the borough in the run up to the Local Elections in 2014. “With some five hundred million people using Twitter, it is more than obvious that technology is an important part of people’s lives nowadays and a useful source for gaining and sharing information”, said Cllr Peter Thompson, Leader of Hounslow Conservatives. Using the name “LBHConservative” as its user name for Twitter, the Group aims to use the social networks to share its current work and ideas, promote campaigns and above all, find out first-hand what local residents are thinking and saying. “We want the sites to be essentially local, focusing on local issues and local news. I want the public to know what we are thinking, what we are saying and what we are planning for 2014. More importantly, I want to hear from residents any ideas and/or suggestions they have for Questions and Motions at Council Meetings and through the number of surveys we shall be holding over the coming weeks”, added the Hounslow Conservative Leader. A more formal website detailing manifesto commitments and 2014 election candidates will also be launched later in the year as well as a YouTube account where residents can view Question and Answer sessions with the Conservative Group Leader and election candidates. Chiswick and Brentford's MP, Mary Macleod, has been on Twitter at MaryMacleodMP since she was elected.
January 25, 2013 |