Green Party Candidate for South West London Confirmed | |||
Air Pollution a silent killer says Daniel Goldsmith
Daniel Goldsmith has been formally confirmed as the Green Party candidate for South West London in the London Assembly elections in May 3rd as Very High Air Pollution is forecast in the region. DEFRA had forecast very high Air Pollution in London in the forecast at 13.00 March 24th and advised all residents to reduce exercise. Daniel said “Air Pollution is a silent killer and a subject some politicians are determined to avoid. I don’t understand why a smog alert has not been issued. Over 300 deaths are attributed to Air Pollution every year in South West London. Air pollution from cars is a big problem in London and the Green Party will make it easier to get about without needing a car. We will make our streets safer for cyclists and walkers. We will make Public Transport cheaper and increase bus capacity.” The Green Party also supports a 20 mph limit across South West London for residential streets. Daniel said “this measure will add an average of 40 seconds to car journey times but will help cyclists and walkers share the streets with cars. Lowering urban and residential speed limits to 20 mph has been found to decrease child pedestrian accidents by up to 70%.” Daniel has also campaigned against climate change and the third runway at Heathrow. Jenny Jones, Green Party London mayoral candidate, said: Jones said: “Daniel is an experienced campaigner who puts the communities of the area first. He is an asset to our party and to London and is the ideal representative for the constituency of South West London on the London Assembly.” March 28, 2012 |