Sports activities and races for all at Brentford Lock and Syon Park

The 4th annual Brentford Challenge is taking place on Sunday 10th May at Brentford Lock and Syon Park - put the date in your diary!
You can take part in a variety of sporting activities including a timed paddle board race, a 1k fun run and a 5k trail run - all followed up with a free family sports activity and fun day in Syon Park.
What is the Brentford Challenge?
The Brentford Challenge comprises a paddle board time trial (11yrs to adult), a 1k fun run (5yrs to adult) and a 5k trail run (11yrs to adult). Prices to participate in the events start from £6 per person.
The 2015 Challenge sees the paddle boarding time-trial take place at Brentford Lock whilst the 1km and 5km runs take place in the grounds of Syon Park.
To complement the day’s activities we will also be hosting our youth football tournament* and the FREE to enter family sports activity day.
See further details
Brentford FC Community Sports Trust

April 5, 2015