New Owners, New Proposals, New Consultation | |||||
Notting Hill Housing Estate invites residents to tell them what they think
The new developer of Reynard Mills will be unveiling their proposals at drop-in sessions on Friday and Saturday afternoons. The sessions will take place on Friday 15th November between 3pm and 7pm and Saturday 16th November between 12 noon and 4pm at the South Ealing Christian Centre. The entrance is on the south side of Carlyle Road, close to the corner with Junction Road. These consultations are critical as developers rely on resident feedback to justify their proposals. Resident feedback is quoted in support of their planning application. So it’s vital that as many residents as possible go along and leave feedback forms stating their concerns and expectations. The three previous applications all tried to over-develop the Reynard Mills site. There is a very real concern that the £20 million price the new developer’s are reported to have agreed to pay for the site will encourage them to attempt to over-develop it. The new developer’s have asked residents to “Tell Us What You Think”. WRAG (Windmill Road Action Group) reminds us of thoughts we might like to share: • The need to respect the local character of the neighbouring low density and low rise Edwardian and Victorian housing. The Planning Inspector and Secretary of State were most concerned about this when they refused the earlier proposals, so it counts for a lot, • Tall buildings are unacceptable on the Reynard Mills site, • The need for buffer strips of gardens or open space along all sides of the Reynard Mills site, especially the western side nearest the primary school and the Manor Vale housing, • Existing traffic congestion and rat-running on the surrounding road network – which could be made worse by additional residents, • The constraints imposed by the two narrow site entrances and the impact on Windmill Road of the vehicles using them at peak periods, • Poor public transport along Windmill Road due to a single bus service, • The problem of overflow parking from the development and the likelihood that the new residents and their visitors will park in the already full neighbouring residential side streets – especially in the evenings and at weekends, • Frequent flooding due to lack of capacity in the local drainage system, which can result in overflows of sewage into the surrounding homes, • The local shortage of public open space for families with young children, • Tremendous shortage of school places and GP surgeries – more residents will make this worse. The councillors are receiving a private briefing from the developer. So, you may want to email the councillors with details of the concerns you raise with the developer. The councillor contact details are: Brentford Ward Ruth Cadbury: Mel Collins: Matthew Harmer: Syon Ward Steve Curran: Theo Dennison: Jason Ellar: As the Reynard Mills site is in Hounslow, it’s vital that everyone expresses their concerns tohe Hounslow councillors.
November 11, 2013 |