21 Days To get "Job Ready" |
London school leavers urged to sign up now
With GCSEs and A-Level results approaching, a new jobs challenge launches this week to help young people in London compete in the jobs market. Last August and September, college and university leavers swelled the numbers on Jobseekers Allowance, as over 41,000 18-24 year olds in London signed on. Breakdown by borough of young people joining the Jobseekers Allowance register in August and September 2009 Ealing 1,565 This year, young jobseekers are urged to get ahead of the crowd by following the 21 Day Challenge on The Student Room website – a series of tips, issued one per day for three weeks from Thursday August 19, given it takes 21 days to form a habit. Isobel Morton of Jobcentre Plus in London said: Sports psychologist Rhonda Cohen is supporting the Challenge: The tips and advice cover everything from CV writing to preparing for interviews, using social media to find work and volunteering opportunities. The Government is also setting up 50,000 new apprenticeships and creating the Work Programme, which will give young people flexible support to get them into work. People can take part in the Challenge by following the 21 Days discussions groups on The Student Room website, from 19 August. The website address is www.thestudentroom.co.uk/21daychallenge
August 17, 2010 |