Ealing GP Guilty of Tax Fraud | |||||
Khaled Yasin worked at health centre in Brentford
An Ealing GP who failed to declare £700,000 of his income to the tax office has been found guilty. Khaled Yasin, 64, of Pickering House, Windmill Road in W5 was paid £1.3 million for his work as a Forensic Medical Examiner for the Metropolitan Police Service over an eleven year period. The evasion was discovered as part of the HMRC Tax Health Plan campaign to tackle undeclared tax and income from doctors and dentists. The fraud took place between April 2002 and April 2011. During this time Yasin also worked as a GP for a health centre in Brentford, Hounslow. Yasin was found guilty of eight charges of Cheating the Public Revenue contrary to Common Law and sentenced to two years imprisonment, suspended for two years, and ordered to complete a 200 hour community punishment order. David Margree, Assistant Director, Criminal Investigation, HMRC, said: “Yasin thought he could get away with the fraud because he had declared some of his earnings – he was wrong. This was a serious breach of Yasin’s professional standards. Had he come forward in 2010, and used the voluntary disclosure campaign to put his financial affairs in order, he could have avoided a criminal record and serious damage to his reputation.”
17th November 2014 |