'Every Morning Brings A New Agony'

Emotional appeal from family for Alice's safe return

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ActonW3.com, ChiswickW4.com and EalingToday.co.uk

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Four weeks since the disappearance of Hanwell teenager Alice Gross and her family have appealed once again for her safe return.

Alice Gross was last seen on CCTV walking along the canal towpath under Trumpers Way bridge, heading towards Hanwell.

Since 4.26pm on Thursday 28 August there have been no further sightings of Alice.

There is a £20,000 reward in place for any information that helps police find Alice.

Today the Gross family released more family photos and footage of the talented teenager.

Later today police will do a resconstruction of her last movements.

Alice's family, said: "Alice has been missing for four weeks now. We are desperately concerned about her welfare and worry constantly about what may have happened to her.

"We are appealing to Alice. If you are out there, to come home where you belong. We love you and we miss you. We want to see your smile again, we want to hear you sing again, to see you cuddle Peggy, or sit at the piano. We want to be a family again.

"The whole family, all your friends, the community and the police are united in trying to bring you home.

"We are also appealing to anyone out there who knows anything about Alice's disappearance or where she is to come forward now.

"We cannot believe that Alice is not at home with us and every morning brings new agony. We dearly love our daughter and Nina dearly loves her sister."

The police have issued an updated map showing Alice's last known movements (see below) and are pointing out that a heavy fall of rain occurred just at the time Alice reached the bridge hoping this will prompt recollection by anyone who was in the vicinity at the time.

Detective Superintendent Carl Mehta, said: "We still need your help to find Alice and bring her home to her family.

"Today my appeal is simple. Alice was last seen on CCTV walking along the canal towpath, heading under Trumpers Way bridge towards Hanwell. Since 16.26 on that Thursday 28 August she has not been seen. Did you see Alice that afternoon? Have you seen her since? We need your help to find her.

"Just as Alice reached the bridge it started to rain heavily. Think back and try to remember if you were out and about in that area that afternoon. It was during the summer holidays and the canal is a really popular place locally.

"We know that Alice loved the rain, so she probably would have kept walking in it rather than seek shelter. There are many paths and turn offs from that canal towpath. We don't know the route that Alice took, so please think back to that Thursday four weeks ago and call us if you can help."

Alice is white, 5ft 2 ins tall and of very slim build with shoulder-length, light brown hair. When she left home that day she was wearing dark blue jeans and a dark t-shirt, and tartan framed glasses. She was carrying a dark rucksack, and wearing denim blue 'Vans' shoes, these shoes were in her rucksack when it was found by police on 2 September.


Video footage filmed in June 2013 of Alice preparing for a solo concert


25th September 2014