Day Four and He's Halfway to London!

David is still battling a tummy bug, but makes it to Caversham


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Warning. The public should not try this themselves. The Thames is incredibly dangerous and many people have drowned in its waters which have powerful tides and unpredictable currents.

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Day four and David Walliams is still battling the nasty bacteria bug that has left him sick for over 24 hours. The exhausted comedian is struggling to keep even the smallest amount of food down, making the marathon challenge, which normally demands 8,000 calories a day, even tougher.

He is currently expected to reach London by Sunday.

According to the Port of London Authority
"The swim will start initially from Teddington Lock in the early morning on 11th September, finishing at Putney on the first day sometime late evening. The swimmer will restart early morning on 12th September from Putney, aiming to arrive at a point upriver of Westminster Bridge approximately 09.00
on 12th September."

By Thursday evening however, he had swum another nine miles - making a total of 62 in all - to reach Caversham, where he was again greeted by crowds of cheering supporters. You can watch a video of him reaching his goal here.

With his body cramping and his appetite failing, David has only managed to stomach a measly piece of toast, a flat cola and several glucose tablets so far today – a far cry from the carbohydrate overload that his body needs to complete the challenge.

As a result, his trainer Greg Whyte is becoming increasingly concerned about David’s physical state and speaking from Oxfordshire Greg said: “David is burning upwards of 8,000 calories a day but his stomach problems are meaning he can't get the fuel in him he needs. It's a vicious circle which means his pace is slowing - but he’s ploughing on.”

Although David is constantly swimming, the bug has meant his pace is a lot slower and his planned schedule is looking doubtful.

After being reunited with his wife Lara Stone at Wallingford Bridge last night, David said this morning: “I'm still feeling ill and getting cramps so am not great. I can't face food really either so that's a worry. But I can still put one arm over the other and that's what I need to do and keep doing.”

Looking back over the challenge

Sponsor David at and also go to The Big Splash for details on how to swim your own local river safely.  You can also follow his progress on the Where's Walliams> tracking map and on Twitter at #ThamesSwim.

September 9, 2011