Rail Union to Strike Over Night Time Tube

Demanding 'realistic offer' on pay and conditions

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ASLEF members on London Underground have voted for strike action in a dispute over pay rates and rosters when the network switches to 24 hour weekend operation later this year.

The union say there was overwhelming support for the strike with 98% voting in favour in a turnout of 81.3%. They claim that tube drivers will have to work an unlimited number of weekend and night shifts for no extra pay and that management are trying to force through, without negotiation, new rosters. According to ASLET Underground staff have been told that unless they agree to the rosters then no pay offer will be made this year

The strike will take place from 9.30pm on 8 July and ASLEF predict that the entire tube network will shut down. ASLEF represents about 70% of drivers on the Underground. The other tube unions, the RMT and the TSSA, are understood to be also considering industrial action.

Finn Brennan, ASLEF’s district organiser, said: ‘There is a window of opportunity for London Underground managers to avoid a summer of disruption by seriously engaging with us to find a solution. They need to withdraw the threat to impose new rosters and make a realistic offer on pay and conditions. We are always prepared to talk, but they have to start listening to this very clear message from their staff.”

‘Our members are entitled to a family life and to some sort of work/life balance. We aren’t opposed to all night services but we want them introduced in a fair and sensible way which rewards staff for their hard work and the contribution they make to the success of the London Underground.’

All day operation on certain lines of the tube is due to start on 12 September.

June 18, 2015