Council Launches Response Service for Mogden

24-hour telephone line to deal with complaints from sewage works

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A 24-hour response service to deal with complaints from the Mogden Sewage Treatment Works will be launched by the London Borough of Hounslow this week.

From Tuesday 4 August residents experiencing problems with odour can call the council to complain or find out further information.

The purpose of the service is to:

  • provide a 24-hour response service for residents who are experiencing odour;
  • collect evidence to assess statutory nuisance; and
    monitor agreements with Thames Water to make sure they are meeting their legal obligations which includes
  • providing a financial contribution towards 24/7 duty response officers (DRO) who are able to respond to complaints about Mogden.

Residents wishing to complain can contact the council in the following ways:

  • Complaints can be emailed to
  • For daytime complaints (Monday - Friday, 8.45am to 5pm) call 020 8583 5555
  • For out of hours complaints (5pm - 8.45am and all weekends) call 020 8583 2222

A website and telephone line containing up-to-date information on all current issues at Mogden will also be available at or by calling 020 8583 5745.

Cllr Jon Hardy, the council’s lead member for housing and service improvement, said, “We are only too aware of the problems caused by Mogden, and are determined to sort this problem out once and for all: it is unacceptable that residents should have to breathe unclean air. The introduction of this new response service is an important first step to rectify the situation and we will not stop until this task is completed.”

August 6, 2009