No Vote For MPs Over 'Major Expenses Cuts'

Proposals include end to mortgage claims, employing relatives and "golden goodbyes"

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MPs are facing 'major cuts in expenses' including those for second homes under new proposals which will be published next week.

An independent inquiry lead by Sir Christopher Kelly is set to propose an end to mortgage claims, MPs employing relatives and "golden goodbyes" to retiring MPs according to BBC. First-class travel and London travel costs are to be reduced and the £25-a-day "subsistence" allowance will end.

There are currently no plans to put the inquiry's recommendations to a vote of MPs. One Labour MP told BBC News there would be a "mutiny" if MPs were not given a say on the proposals.

News of the cuts came at the same time former minister Tony McNulty was ordered to repay £13,837 of expenses claimed on his second home.

After an investigation prompted by Greg Hands MP by Parliament's standards watchdog, McNulty, who lives in Hammersmith, apologised for claiming for a property in his Harrow constituency in which his parents lived saying he was acting on advice from the Fees Office.


October 29, 2009