Go To Week Days | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday | Other
denotes term-time only, contact details for organisation in Brentford A-Z.
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Week days
10am-4pm: Age Concern Charity Shop, Alexandra House, Albany
Road, TW8 0NE
11am-2pm: Open House Cafe, St Paul's Centre: Lunch from 12 noon
10.30-11.30am: ABC, Brentford Free Church: a mother and baby group,
open to all (contact Bless Community Church)
5-6pm: Rainbows (girls 5-6 yrs), St Paul's Centre
6-7.30pm: Brownies (girls 7-10 yrs), Brentford Free Church
6.30-8pm: Brownies (girls 7-10 yrs), St Paul's Centre
7-8pm (1st only): brag monthly meeting, Grand Union Community Development
7-8pm: Hip Hop & Street Dance Class (7 yrs+), Gumley House
School, St Johns Rd, Isleworth: for beginners (contact Equippers
Church, 07930 913416)
7.45-11pm (1st only): Traditional Jazz, Stripes Bar
8-12pm (1st only): Green Drinks, Magpie & Crown, 128 High Street, Brentford
8.30-9.30pm: Hip Hop & Street Dance Class (16 yrs+), Gumley
House School, St Johns Rd, Isleworth: for advanced (contact Equippers
Church, 07930 913416)
eve: Youth Groups, contact Bless Community Church
9.30am: Morning Prayer, St Paul's Church
10-12am: Toy Library, St Paul's Centre: for parents and carers with
their children
1-3pm: Nimble Fingers, St Paul's Centre: craft group with occasional
Saturday workshops
3-6pm: PACE, Syon Mission: self help, support group for parents and
carers of adults with learning disabilities
3.30-5pm: Discoveries, Ealing Road Baptist Church: club for infants and
6.30-8.15pm*: Cubs (8-10.5 yrs), 6th Brentford Air Scout Group
7-8pm (1st): meeting of BRAG, Community Room, Brentford Dock
7-9pm (1st): Choices Carers Support Group, Alexandra House, Age Concern
8pm (1st): Green Drinks, Magpie & Crown: green people meet up
for a beer
10am: Midweek Parish Communion, St Faith's
10am: Fit4Fun: Music and Movement Club for under 5's (£2.50
per session), Mission Hall, contact Linda 07984167548 linny51@hotmail.com
10.30am (alternate Wednesday): BFC Midweek (seniors), Brentford Free
Church: service in Chapel regularly followed by lunch
10.30am-12: Stroke Club, St Paul's Centre: a support club for those who
have had strokes
1.15pm (3rd only): Lunchtime Concerts, St Paul's: featuring a range of
styles and musicians
1-3pm: Over 50s social club, St Paul's Centre
1.30-2.30pm: Sparklers, Brentford Free Church (contact Bless Community):
a midweek Sunday School for preschoolers and their parent/carer,
booking essential
6-7.15pm*: Beavers (6-8 yrs), 6th Brentford Air Scout Group
6.30-8pm: Brownies (girls 7-10 yrs), Ealing Road Baptist Church
6-7pm: Rainbows (girls 5-6yrs), Ealing Road Baptish Church
6-7.30pm: Miniature Heroes (7-11 yrs), Brentford Free Church
7-8pm: Salsa Nation for Beginners, Holiday Inn, Brentford Lock;
£7 per session; contact pam@salsa.co.uk 07916 327541
7-9pm: Brentford Boat Club sessionss, Thames Lock, Grand Union Canal,
7.45-9.15pm: BYG (11-15 yrs), Brentford Free Church: youth club
8-9pm: Salsa Nation for Improvers, Holiday Inn, Brentford Lock;
£7 per session; contact pam@salsa.co.uk 07916 327541
7.45-9.15pm: Brentford Youth Group, contact Bridge Church
10am-12: Toy Library, St Paul's Centre: for parents and carers with
their children
1pm: Occasional lunchtime services, St Paul's
2:30pm: Story Time, Brentford Library
6:15pm (3rd): Reading Group, Brentford Library (please phone to confirm
6.30-8pm: Brownies (girls 7-10 yrs), St Faith's
7-8pm: Baggy Top Circuit Class, Brenford Methodist Church; Jackie Wilson 07745 338 374
7-8.30pm: Foundations (11 yrs+), Ealing Road Baptish Church: youth club
10-11am*: Danceabout, Brentford Free Church: dance and
movement, rhythm and rhymes, stories and songs for under 5's (contact
Bless CommunityChurch)
10am: Friday Small Group, St Paul's Centre
10am-12: Bowls Club, St Paul's Centre
7.30pm-9.15pm*: Scouts (10.5-14.5 yrs), 6th Brentford Air Scout Group
7.30-9.45pm: Blue (15 yrs+), Brentford Free Church: youth group
7.30-8.30pm Bible Study, 8.30-9.45pm socialising
09:30-10:30am (1st): Surgery for Brentford Ward Councillors, Clayponds
Tenants Hall, Clayponds Gardens, Brentford
10-4pm: Pavilion Cafe, Boston Manor Park, Boston Manor Road, TW8 9JX
10-11am: Caroline's Exercise Class, St Faith's Church
10.45-11.45am (3rd): Surgery for Brentford Ward Councillors, Mission
12 noon-1.00pm (3rd): Surgery for Brentford Ward Councillors, Brentford
8.30am: Holy Communion, St Paul's Church
10-4pm: Pavilion Cafe, Boston Manor Park, Boston Manor Road, TW8 9JX
10am: Holy Communion with Sunday School, St Faith's
10am: Morning Worship, St Paul's Church
10am (1st/3rd): Holy Communion, St Paul's Church
10.20am: 10:20am for young people 11-16, Brentford Free Church
10.30am: Morning Worship, Brentford Free Church
10.30am (1st): Communion, Brentford Free Church
10.30am: Quaker Meeting, Friends Meeting House
12-1pm (not 3rd): Young People Meeting, St Paul's
2pm: Bellydance classes, Watermans Arts Centre, contact Lily on 07861
797 998 or www.sacredblueflame.com
6pm: Evening Worship, Brentford Free Church followed by After-Church
6pm (3rd): Communion, Brentford Free Church followed by After-Church
6.30pm (1st only): All age Service with Evening Communion, St Faith's
Alpha Course: Introduction to the Christian Faith, contact Bless Community Church
Swimming (general/lessons), fitness, gym, creche, play centre:
Brentford Fountain Leisure Centre
Adult Education: London Borough of Hounslow, Adult and Community