Hamilton Road Area CPZ - Results of Consultation

Planning committee to make decision this Thursday

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This Thursday, the Isleworth and Brentford Area Committee will debate and probably decide on whether or not to introduce a CPZ in the Hamilton Road area.

The report they will base this decision on is based in turn on the recent consultation in March nder the previous administration. The report recommends that either

"The CPZ is not progressed for the entire consultation area (the ‘Hamilton Road Area’),
OR, Hamilton Road only is included in the existing Brentford Station CPZ subject to satisfactory statutory consultation."

This proposed inclusion of Hamilton Road within the existing Brentford Station CPZ was not consulted on so there would have to be a new consultation.

The suggested one way route on Clifden and Hamilton Road is not recommended.

Officers recommend the introduction of At Any Time (‘double yellow line’) restrictions at all road junctions in the consultation area further to complaints about ease of access, especially for large lorries (deliveries and refuse collection).

Should Hamilton Road be included in the Brentford Station CPZ, it is estimated that the scheme will generate revenue income of approximately £2,500 in a full year and cost around £8000 to set up, costs to come out of GSK's S106 money.

The report can be seen online as Item 11 on the agenda. Members of the public are welcome to attend although they are not entitled to participate. . Isleworth and Brentford Area Committee (Planning) is on Thursday, 17 June 2010 starting at 7.30pm but would not be expected to reach item 11 until at least 8.30pm and takes place at Brentford Free Church.


June 16, 2010

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