Unions Concerned Over Spending Cuts

Hounslow Council budget cuts could impact on the borough’s most vulnerable residents

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UnisonUnite GMB

UNISON, Unite and the GMB are concerned that the reductions on spending imposed by the coalition on Hounslow Council will hit vulnerable residents harder than other residents within the borough.

UNISON, Unite and the GMB call on all Hounslow residents to join them at Hounslow Civic Centre at:

  • 6pm on 8th February 2011 for a lobby of the Council Executive
  • 6pm on 1st March 2011 for a lobby of the full meeting of Hounslow Council

The proposals from Hounslow Council to mange the imposed reduction in spending list many cuts which amongst them include  the following:

  • Close all the Youth Centres, youth services and youth counselling services.

NOTE: In addition to the total loss of the youth activities this is very likely to lead to extra work for Children’s Social Services, Schools and possibly the Police.

  • Drastically cut the Education Welfare service (dealing with truancy) from 14 to 3 staff

NOTE: This will lead to more children truanting from school.

  • Close Chiswick Day Centre and the Bedfont Day Centre that care for very frail older people.

NOTE: There are three older people’s day centres – two are to close.  The older people who attend are all very frail and the day centres provide vital respite for families caring for their elderly relatives 24 hours per day.

  • Close Acorn Day Centre (in Heston) that cares for people with serious disabilities.

NOTE: There are four day centres for people with disabilities – one is to close.  The disabled people who attend all have high needs and the day centres provide vital respite for families caring for their disabled relatives 24 hours per day.

  • Close Leaders Employment that helps people with serious disabilities find real jobs.

NOTE: Leaders Employment has a great record of finding real jobs for people with disabilities.  They have won national awards for their work!

  • A big reduction in care for frail elderly and disabled people living in their own homes.

NOTE: Budgets are being significantly reduced for all care provided to very vulnerable adults living in their own homes.

  • Closing the Welfare Benefits advice service.

NOTE: This is a specialist team that provides detailed advice and support on benefits to frail older people and people with disabilities.

  • Major cut in Street Cleansing

NOTE: Residents will see a big deterioration in the standard of litter picking and street sweeping.

  • Major cuts in various Environment services such as Recycling and Road Safety.

NOTE: Residents will see a big deterioration in the level of recycling and other environmental protection activities.

  • Close Branch Libraries with a suggestion that eight Branch Libraries may close leaving only Chiswick, Hounslow and Feltham libraries open.

NOTE: The libraries at serious risk of closure are Beavers, Bedfont, Brentford, Cranford, Hanworth, Heston, Isleworth and Osterley. John Laing Integrated Services who are contracted to provide the library service were planning to write to all library users to advise them of these plans but Hounslow Council have told them not to send out the letter.

UNISON, Unite and the GMB have already held mass meetings of council staff.  Hundreds of our members have agreed that the trade unions along with the community need to campaign against the cuts that the council are being forced to make by the coalition comprehensive spending review.

The trade unions are already aware that campaigns are springing up to save Youth Services, Day Centres and Libraries.  We call on all compassionate and concerned residents of Hounslow to join together to oppose these attacks on vulnerable residents.


January 27, 2011

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