M4 Games Lane Open |
Olympic buses exempt from 7.5t weight restriction on Boston Manor Viaduct
The Games Lane on the eastbound M4 became operational this morning to help the Games family travel safely, securely and efficiently to their destinations. The Lane was in operation this morning between 6.30am and 11.40am and during that period there was no discernable change in usual traffic levels into London. The M4 Games Lane can be used by: The lane will operate from today during the periods when most of the Games family will arrive. These are between 16 July and 4 August, and between 22 and 29 August inclusive. It will be clearly signed, and activated when needed for periods between 5am and 10pm. Outside the operational periods, the lane can be used by general traffic. Drivers are reminded that a 7.5 tonne weight restriction exists between junctions 3 and 2 in both directions as a result of ongoing repair work on the Boston Manor Viaduct. Olympic buses are exempt from the weight restriction from today (Monday).
July 16, 2012 |