Brentford Transition Steering Meeting

Grants Awarded and Community Workshops are Being Planned


Syon Lane Community Allotment

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Brentford Transition Town held its July meeting which is summarised as follows:

  • Grants: Transition Town Brentford and Transition Brentford Food Growers have been awarded grants by the Isleworth and Brentford Area Comittee Fund of three hundred and four hundred pounds respectively. 
  • Bank Account:  Simon and Naomi will setup a special Community Organisation bank account with the Co-op (going to Ealing on Monday 27th to start the process). 
  • Spending:  It was agreed that two hundred pounds would be allocated from the Transition Brentford Food Growers fund towards the purchase of a suitable printer (Simon is doing the research).  It was also agreed that funds from Transition Town Brentford would be used to register the domain name: 
  • Website: It was agreed that a wordpress site would be used for the new website, allowing everyone access to post and make changes. 
  • Workshops at Syon Lane Community Garden.  Various workshops are being planned including: woodcarving, mosaics, mini wild food, dye making, beer making, cobbing and much more.  Details will be published in a newsletter to be published shortly.
  • Public/Community Art: Various ideas for public arts iniatives were discussed including: ''Mona Lisa of Brentford'': a reproduction of the famous painting using re-used bottle caps.  Also discussed was the idea of a sculpture competition for the Haverfield Estate, and the production of public art for Brentford using re-used or discarded materials.  It was agreed that a Transition Brentford Community Art group be formed and that an initial meeting will be planned by: Kat, Raquel, Cyrille & Simon.  Local artists will be contacted about the meeting and a suitable venue chosen.
  • Brentford Abundance- Harvesting iniative.  An idea for an interactive web based harvesting information and sharing system was proposed.  Brentford has many fruit and nut trees (such as the Hazel trees and Mulberry Trees in Boston Manor Park).  A system should be made using Google Maps, where identified harvestable food sources could be posted with contact details for those offering to help harvest as well as any observations on ripeness of fruit/food etc...  It was agreed to develop the idea further. 
  • Cycling Transport discussion.  Naomi agreed to send out a document detailing a proposed transport policy for London.  This would be discussed at the next steering meeting. 

If you would like to get involved, or just find out what it's all about, please come to the next meeting or enquire via the email below.

Next steering meeting
The next Transition Brentford steering meeting will take place on Tuesday 19th July at the Green Dragon Lane housing co-op meeting room from 7-9PM. This meeting will be confirmed via email closer to the time. If you have any questions about any or all of these items, please send an email to


August 2, 2011

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