Transition Brentford Film Screening

"The Power of Community: How Cuba survived peak oil"

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A Transition Brentford film screening at St Paul's church, Brentford
On Wednesday 13th April, Transition Brentford will be hosting the screening of: "The Power of Community: How Cuba survived peak oil''. This film is a description of how the people of Cuba overcame the loss of most of their oil supply after the collapse of the USSR; how they worked together at the grassroots level
to feed themselves and move forward into a lifestyle that is
probably superior to what they had before.. The screening will take place in the hall at St Paul's church from 7PM. The screening is free (donations are welcome). There will be liquid refreshments available and we are asking people to bring their own food.

Sundays at the Syon Lane Community Garden
provide an opportunity for anyone wanting to get their hands dirty, learn/share, or simply have a chat. The Syon Lane Community Garden is next to Syon Lane station (on the side nearest to Gillete corner) with the entrance on Rothbury Gardens. Every Sunday from 12PM until sun down. A delicious vegetarian meal is freely available to all participants.

Next steering meeting
The next Transition Brentford steering meeting will take place on Tuesday 19th April at the Green Dragon Lane housing co-op meeting room from 7-9PM. This meeting will be confirmed via email closer to the time. If you have any questions about any or all of these items, please send an email to


April 13, 2011

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