Maintenance and strengthening work will start on 8 July on a stretch of the elevated section between junctions 1 and Boston Manor Road..
Most of the work will be done underneath the structure, requiring overnight lane closures on the A4 which runs below the motorway.
The maintenance will involve sealing joints, drainage repair and concrete repair. The strengthening involves adding steel reinforcement to the structure.
The work will all be carried out overnight, and will mostly take place underneath the structure. Although the work will not require any additional restrictions on the M4 there will be overnight lane closures on the A4 which runs below the motorway. Initial work is due to be complete by mid October 2013. The strengthening work will resume later in the year. That further work is part of a long term programme which is due to be complete by Spring 2016.
David Keen, Highways Agency asset manager, said:
“We are committed to keeping the M4 elevated section operating safely and reliably and this work is part of our ongoing programme to maintain and repair this section of the motorway. This work will inform future maintenance of the structure.
“We’ve planned it very carefully, to keep disruption to a minimum and for that reason it will be carried out overnight when traffic flows are lowest. We’ve also liaised closely with partners including Transport for London and Hounslow Borough Council to ensure they have no planned roadworks in the immediate vicinity which would clash with this scheme.
“We’d like to thank road users and the local community in advance for their patience while this essential work is carried out.”
The work will be carried out overnight, Monday to Fridays only. It will take place between 10pm and 5.30am, Monday to Thursday nights. On Friday nights work will start at 11pm.
Any part of the work requiring restrictions on the M4 will take place during routine maintenance closures on the motorway, which are publicised in advance.
A spokesperson from Highways Maintenance commented: "We do appreciate that essential work to maintain a structure like the M4 will impact on local residents, and we do regret any inconvenience.
"During the roadworks we will do everything we can to keep any disruption or disturbance to an absolute minimum and have worked closely with Transport for London and local authorities.
"Noise screening will be in place to minimise any disturbance and any particularly noisy work will be carried out before midnight.
"Our contractors are carrying out an off-site trial during which noise levels and the level of screening required will be established. We will also monitor noise levels to ensure no work creates noise above acceptable levels."