Help Keep the Tropical Forest in Brentford

Visit the Animals; Sign the Petition

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  • it’s a great place to go and it’s practically on your doorstep (next to where the Butterfly house was in Syon Park ) - easy for a Saturday/Sunday afternoon visit.
  • it’s educational (they do a lot of work with local schools about conservation and environment)
  • and FUN (they do parties where you get up close and wearing some of the animals
  • they rescue endangered animals (snakes, chinchillas, marmosets, bearded lizards) many of which are from Heathrow, confiscated from smugglers.
  • they are becoming a charity (which demonstrates their commitment to their work and the community)


Ironically, this facility, unique in this part of London, may well be an endangered species itself. They have to find a new home within two years due to redevelopment of their current site – so visit while they still are on your doorstep!

The Gunnersbury Park Regeneration Board have not yet ruled out housing the Tropical Forest. Syon Councillor Jon Hardy and others are trying to see if would be possible to find them a new home in Gunnersbury Park or at least still in the Borough: it would be a tragedy if Hounslow were to lose this unique and commendable resource. The more members of the community can demonstrate that they value this wonderful attraction, both by visiting and by signing the petition, the greater the chance of keeping the Tropical Forest within the borough.

April 3, 2009