Motor Vehicle Crime on the rise
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Police Sergeant Nathan FANE
Brentford Safer Neighbourhood Team
Brentford Police Station
Half Acre
Office tel: 020 82475974
Mobile tel: 07881723891
In an emergency ALWAYS dial 999
For all NON emergency calls use 0300 123 1212 |
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Neighbourhood Priorities
The Brentford SNT Neighbourhood Panel met on Monday evening at Brentford Police Station. The panel is made up of residents and professionals who live or work within Brentford. We meet every three months and the panel set my team up to FOUR priorities which we must deal with over the following three months. The priorities that have been set for Brentford SNT between June and September are
- Drugs (primarily on the Haverfield and Green Dragon estates)
- Anti Social Behaviour by youths
- Motor Vehicle crime
- Burglary*
*Brentford ward does not suffer from a high number of burglaries. We have had a total of 9 reported offences in the last 3 months. Every SNT across Hounslow borough is however required to have burglary set as a priority.
Brentford will be working with other police departments, partners within the local authority and external agencies, and residents to deal with these priorities.
If you feel the Neighbourhood Panel should set us different priorities then please email Nathan Fane with your suggestions and reasons.
Motor Vehicle Crime
As the above priorities would suggest, Brentford is suffering from a high number of vehicle break ins. These are mainly happening during the night time but some do take place during the day. This is mainly taking place along Brentford High Street, Ealing Road, Windmill Road and the roads north and south of the A4 between Ealing Road and Windmill Road. The usual items such as Satnavs, laptops, phones, cash and bags are being stolen. Many of these crimes can be prevented if motorists simply stop leaving valuables in their cars. Please pass on to your friends, relatives and neighbours the advice of NOT leaving anything valuable in their cars, even in the boot or glove compartment. Many of the offences are being committed by teenage boys on bikes. If you see or hear anything suspicious then please call the police immediately on 999.
Serious sexual assault - Windmill Road 25th May
There was a serious sexual assault that took place on a 17 year old girl in Windmill Road just north of the A4 on 25th May between 1am and 2.30am. This naturally raised a lot of fears and concerns within local residents. A public meeting was held at St Faiths Church several days after the incident to address some of these concerns. The Hounslow Borough Sapphire Unit based at Vista House are investigating the matter and as a result of these enquiries a suspect has been identified and is being actively sought. The suspect is not a local male and there have been no reported incidents of a similar nature locally.
June 26, 2009