Latest police update from the Syon ward team

Syon Ward
Theft from motor vehicle
The Met Police has invested in technology which helps predict the most likely locations for theft from motor vehicle crime. This is calculated on a daily basis and allows officers to be deployed to targeted locations. These crimes are investigated and were possible arrests and charges will be applied. However there has been a sharp increase of theft from motor vehicle at random locations difficult to predict. Residents are reminded to secure their property and leave nothing on show.
The Met Police has applied the same technology which helps predict where the most likely locations for theft from motor vehicle to burglaries. Police officers are on patrol in these locations and, as always at this time of year, it is very challenging for the Police. All burglaries are investigated by dedicated CID officers and the ward officers and PCSOs will do door to door enquires and conduct leaflet drops. We pay close attention to the whole ward and target locations if patterns emerge.
Anti-social behaviour
All hotspots are regularly patrolled on foot and in vehicles, and the police CCTV van is regularly deployed to prevent/deter offences. Police monitor issues via Airspace and regularly update victims/informants.
Current locations of concern:
Townfield Estate:
The officers have been conducting regular high visibility patrols in the area to tackle ASB and in its various forms. Residents have also expressed concerns about drug dealing and police have conducted various warrants in the estate which have been successful but the investigation is still ongoing. Officers have enforced the CDZ and advised a number of residents to stop drinking or move elsewhere. This has made the estate a less attractive venue for street drinking and ASB. We continue to urge residents to call police if they come across any form of ASB.
Owing to the darker nights we have seen an increase in the number of residents and youths frequenting the park. We have increased our patrols to reduce the risk of ASB in the area.
Union Lane:
There has been an increase in ASB calls to this location, there has also been an increase in drug related calls to police. This is causing renewed concern for local residents because only recently police have helped residents prevent this sort of behaviour by closing an address in Winterbourne House. It appears there are some new residents who may be involved in the recent increase of drugs offences. Syon Ward are still building a picture/case of who the suspects may be but in the mean time they are patrolling the area frequently to prevent the ASB and provide reassurance.
Good Results at Albany Road (Berkeley House):
Police have been dealing with a series of ASB reports about residents at Berkeley House, Brentford. Syon Ward lead an investigation in to the ASB and found that the same residents were linked to various Theft offences, Drugs offences and criminal damage offences across Brentford. Other residents were making numerous complaints to police and Council, by working together we have been able to gain enough evidence for a warrant to search the address, this lead to three arrests for four offences (investigation still ongoing). Police have also in conjunction with the Local Authority been able to gain a closure order on the problem address.
SYON SNT is now on twitter. Please look for on PC Roger Brentnall @MPSSYON and follow us. In the future SYON SNT are hoping to host TWITTER chats for all to get involved and ask questions about their ward and voice their concerns.
Owing to the darker nights we have seen an increase in the number of youths frequenting parks and open spaces. We have increased our patrols to reduce the risk of ASB in these areas.
January 22, 2016