Police Swoop Again in Operation Hawk

Acting on Local Information by Residents


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Community Support Officer PCSO Faisal Puttray
Brentford Safer Neighbourhood Team (SNT)
Brentford Police Station
Half Acre

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Operation Hawk is a renewed emphasis on Safer Neighbourhoods teams tackling local crime, disorder and anti-social behaviour by responding to local community intelligence. This includes executing warrants on addresses that police have received information on.

Recently police have been receiving information on a property in the Brentford area and one in the Osterley area that are believed to be dealing drugs.

Local police from Brentford and Chiswick sectors obtained a section 23 Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 drugs warrants for both addresses from the Magistrates Court. The warrants were executed this week and in one of the properties, two bags of cannabis, cash believed to be the profits of drug dealing and scales used to weigh the cannabis into deals were found. The male at this address was arrested with possession of cannabis; he admitted the offence and was charged and bailed at Chiswick police station.

The second property in Osterley was less successful as the only drug found on this occasion was a cannabis joint. The male at this address was issued a Penalty Notice for Disorder and fined £80 for the possession of cannabis.

Officers from Brentford will continue operation Hawk and action any information received by our local community. Residents can also give information anonymously to crimestoppers if they suspect any criminal activity.


February 16, 2012

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