Police Updates on Brentford and Syon Ward

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Community Support Officer PCSO Faisal Puttray
Brentford Safer Neighbourhood Team (SNT)
Brentford Police Station
Half Acre

Office tel: 020 82475974
020 8721 2533
Mobile tel: 07881723891

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Priority 1 - Drugs
• Four drug search warrants have been executed at addresses identified as being involved in the supply of class A drugs on the Ward.
• Warrant executed at premises causing persistent drug related problems. In conjunction with Hounslow Homes the occupants have been evicted and a dog seized and cruelty prosecution undertaken with the assistance of the RSPCA.

Priority 2 - Burglary
• Two arrests for burglaries at a local leisure centre for the purpose of stealing cars. Subsequently identified as being responsible for seven other like offences in London and the Home Counties.
• Community Paybank Scheme used to clear overgrown trees from blocking the vision of an elderly artifice burglary victim’s front door.

Priority 3 - Theft Of Pedal Cycles.
• Two arrests for theft of pedal cycles from local gardens.
• Cycle event arranged involving local traders, cycling proficiency and security marking.

Any Other News -
We are working closely with two local garages who persistently suffer from cars driving off without paying for their petrol. They have been introduced to Forecourt Watch and have a dedicated PCSO who has established excellent working relationships with them in an Endeavour to reduce this crime.
Crime prevention changes have been made by the local leisure centre following police advice which should prevent further burglaries.

Syon Ward

Priority 1: Burglary
• A new Neighbourhood Watch Scheme has been set up.
• All burglary victims provided with crime prevention advice and burglary packs.

Priority 2: Youth ASB
• Two arrests for harassment of local fast food outlet staff by local youths.
• Street briefings and leaflet drops conducted on an estate in Isleworth that has been suffering from persistent drug related anti social behaviour.
• Two drug warrants executed on the above mentioned estate.

Priority 3: Theft from motor vehicle
• Priority patrols conducted in vulnerable areas.
• Priority viewing of CCTV in vulnerable areas.
• Arrest of suspect on three separate occasions for offences coming to light as a result of CCTV viewing.

Priority 4: Drug dealing/using
• Five drug search warrants have been executed at addresses identified as being involved in the supply of drugs.
• Drugs, cash and a firearm have been recovered.
• Arrests have been made for drug supply, money laundering and threatening a Police officer with a firearm during the course of the search.

Any Other News
• Improved lighting has been installed in Catherine Wheel Road following a serious sexual offence.
• A local residential house operating as a brothel has been closed down and proceedings are being instigated against the persons responsible.

This police update was issued at the Hounslow Borough Community Police Consultative Group which met on Monday.

July 19, 2011

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