Final Comments on Land South of the High Street Due |
Planning Committee to consider planning application imminently
The slightly amended plans from Ballymore (00607/BA/P2 and others (as amended) are now expected to go in front of the Planning Committee on 28 November, and the Brentford Football Club application is expected to go to the scheduled 5 December meeting. 7 November will be the normal scheduled planning meeting for other applications. Brentford Community Council commented that: the proposed dwellings will have inadequate public transport links, daylight, privacy and amenity space. the heights proposed are excessive the distances between windows of some flats remain inadequate with some flats not receiving adequate sunlight Block B (the food store) has been improved but would benefit from losing another floor. Block C, that fronts onto the High Street has been reduced, with visual breaks added but could do with improvements in appearance to make it fit in with the high street. Brentford Chamber of Commerce focused on the need for a strategic retail and commercial plan to retain the existing businesses in Brentford during the development phases and a strategy that will ensure the right mix of retail outlets to make the town centre a viable and sustainable shopping centre for the future. Brentford High Street Steering Group broadly agrees with the Brentford Community Council, adding that it is disappointing that several historic buildings are to be demolished and that the aesthetic appeal of the buildings is lacking in style and does not pick up from local heritage, notably warehouses and Noel Parr. Waterside facilities should be developed, such as tidal/dry dock maintenance yard to retain and meld both working and social spaces. Funding is needed to establish a BID, a Brentford Business Improvement District. All three groups strongly agreed that there needs to be a commitment to move Watermans Arts Centre into a suitably sized and located place within the development. There was agreement that the amendments were mainly improvements, but a clear view that they do not go far enough to ensure a sustainable quality scheme that can meet Brentford's needs and that the planning application should therefore be refused permission until further changes are made.. October 15, 2013 |