Brentford To Grow By Seventy Percent |
Residential and commercial growth with little investment in infrastructure
The 2011 census gave the populations of Brentford and Syon wards at 28,000. These two wards stretch roughly from St John's Road, Isleworth to Chiswick Roundabout. Further to Phil Andrews' accurate comment, the population of TW8 in 2011 was 19,667. Brentford ward was 14,353 and Syon ward 13,554. Syon ward is both TW8 and TW7. As the tables (Current Development in Brentford) show, if every current application for planning permission was built we would have an additional 14,000 people (approximately) in TW8. This represents an increase of 70% of the population. The tables list residential units, with number of bedrooms where known as well as retail, commercial units, hotels etc. The only community provision is for the canoe/watersports centre on Commerce Road and 228sqm on the Alfa Laval site, expected to be for a chemist/dentist or similar. There is an absence of schools, of homes for the elderly (whether residential or care), of doctors’ surgeries etc. Outdoor play provision for children is increasingly limited on new sites, increasing the pressure on existing green space. There is also the problems of traffic flow, with several bottlenecks a regular occurrence as well as the overflow due to temporary restrictions on the M4. Although Brentford does have many good public transport links we have experienced overcrowding during peak hours on trains and under/overground services. Air pollution as well as noise pollution are growing concerns too. When residents gather together to combat planning developments in their back yard (see Reynards Mill, Hamilton Road and Clifden Road for examples) people can be very successful at getting development banned or reduced. Brentford Community Council has been campaigning quietly for some decades, examining planning applications and responding on behalf of the local population. It manages with the expertise of ex-planners and architects and amateur but knowledgeable membership. BCC meets on a monthly basis and would encourage people to attend and find out what’s going on locally, not just in their back yard. The next meeting is Thursday 18th April from 7:15pm upstairs at the Methodist Church, Clifden Road. If left unchecked developers would flood Brentford with even taller buildings than are currently being suggested, as it is there is little attempt at creating community centres, or houses big enough for families to grow up in, or schools for children to go to. So what can you do?
These tables shall be regularly updated and we welcome any notifications of undeveloped land or other omissions . April 17, 2013 |