Brentford Streets in Uproar

Small Development Plans cause outrage in Clifden and Hamilton Road




How to Object to Planning Applications

Brentford Community Council

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On Thursday Hounslow planning committee will consider plans for a development which are opposed by over 40 residents of a quiet Brentford street. Developer plans for 23 Clifden Road completely ignore the St Paul's conservation area rules and will ruin the traditional look of this Edwardian and 1930s street according to residents. Over 40 residents of Clifden Road are objecting to a plan to build a two storey extension on the front of a 1930s house, in between and opposite rows of Edwardian terraces.
The proposal is being recommended for approval by Hounslow planners despite the fact it completely contravenes the Council's own conservation area rules. Trish and Michael Burden, who live in Clifden Road, said "the council stops us from even cutting back trees in our gardens under conservation area rules but is waving through this massive two storey extension by a property developer."
Neighbours fear the 2 storey construction will block out light and overlook their gardens. There are concerns too that the development will create additional pressure on parking, in a road where residents already find it impossible to find a parking space as they have been squeezed by parking restrictions in adjoining streets.
Another resident, Adam Jackson, said "we have a real community spirit in this road - helping neighbours and with a community street party at Christmas. We live here because we love Brentford and we love and respect the local buildings. This plan is not by a family who want to create a bit more space in their house. It is by an outside developer who just wants to make money, fit as many rooms onto the land as possible and move on - with no care about the heritage of the area.”
Clifden Road resident Chris Collins added: “If the Council approves this then they will be ignoring their own rules and disregarding the views of local people. It will show there is one set of rules for property developers and one for local families."
James Curran, who also lives in Clifden Road, will present residents’ concerns at Thursday night’s Planning Committee.  

Residents from Hamilton Road will also be in attendance to discuss the proposed application for 6 houses to be built on the land backing onto the railway which will also require the demolition of two bungalows in Hamilton Road. This land has been subject to a number of planning applications over the years which have all been rejected. 48 objections have been submitted referring to loss of trees and wildlife habitat; increased overdevelopment; additional noise pollution and traffic issues.


March 6, 2013

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