May News from Neighbourhood Watch

Microsoft doesn't phone you

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Neighbourhood Watch

Kathy Riley 075 0630 9810 or 020 8247 5939 is Brentford’s Neighbourhood Community Safety Co-ordinator

In an emergency ALWAYS dial 999
For all NON emergency calls use 101
If you have no mobile signal, 999 will NOT work but 112 will put you straight through to the emergency services. 112 will also work anywhere in Europe.

Policing Pledge (pdf)

Community Safety

CRIMESTOPPER 0800 555 111

Contact Information:
Police Sergeant Christopher Jones
Community Support Officer PCSO Faisal Puttyraj
Brentford Safer Neighbourhood Team (SNT)
Brentford Police Station
Half Acre
Office tel: 020 82475974
020 8721 2533

Mobile tel: 07881723891

Safer Neighbourhoods

Police Counter Terrorism Command (CTC) Anti-Terrorist hotline 0800 789 321

Hounslow Council Weekend Noise Team: 020 8583 2222

Report a Crime: 0300 123 1212

Metropolitan Police Fraud Alert

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Anti-Virus Home Computer Fraudsters
Neighbourhood Watch have received information that fraudsters have again been making telephone calls to residents stating that they are telephoning from, or on behalf of, Microsoft Corporation.

They claim that the resident’s home PC has a serious virus that could crash the system at any moment costing the resident a lot of money to repair.  They then claim that they can fix the problem remotely for a one off payment that can be arranged over the telephone.  

Should you receive such a telephone call please put the telephone down immediately.  Microsoft Corporation make it clear that they do not cold call customers.  For technical help, advice and assistance, customers must call Microsoft direct.

Bogus Plumber, Hounslow Area
In April, a thief tricked their way into an elderly Hounslow resident’s home by pretending to be a plumber checking for water leakage at a nearby property.  As the thief kept the 80 year old victim occupied in the kitchen, 2 accomplices entered the property and stole items from the victim’s home.  If you have elderly neighbour’s or indeed have elderly parents, please remind them not to trust anyone who arrives at their front door without notice insisting to be let in on whatever pretext.      

Longer Evenings
With the longer, warmer evenings comes the problem of anti-social behavior with people, normally worse for wear, making their way home late night or early morning.

The sound of laughter, foul and abusive language, screams, threatening behavior and the breaking of glass is usually the prelude to problems heading in our direction.  Neighbourhood Watch ask everyone to be on the alert for anti-social behavior. Always check when there is excessive noise and dial 999 should you see a crime taking place or indeed, matters getting out of control.  

Stolen Purse
One of our residents had their purse stolen while enjoying a meal with a friend at a London restaurant.  The purse had been put in a shoulder bag and placed on the floor next to where the resident was sitting.  Although there were a number of tables available at the restaurant, someone came over and sat at an adjoining table.  It was only after this person had left that the resident realized that the purse that was inside the shoulder bag was missing. 

Thieves operating alone, in twos or in gangs, take great care in selecting their victims, targeting those who are seen to have placed a purse, wallet, mobile phone or any item of value at the top of an open shoulder bag or handbag.  They will then follow their victim until the opportunity to strike arises, which is normally when the victim is distracted or off guard.  The thief will then quickly and quietly disappear before the victim realizes what has happened.     

Thieves do not concern themselves about the age or the circumstances of their victim or worry about the misery and hardship they bring.  In public places always be wary of your surroundings.  Do not trust anyone who gets too close to you. To avoid becoming a target, keep briefcases, shoulder bags and handbags shut and never let them out of your sight.

May 4, 2012