January's Newsletter from Brentford's Lead Neighbourhood Watch

Protect Your Cars, Vans and Catalytic Converters

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Neighbourhood Watch

Kathy Riley 075 0630 9810 or 020 8247 5939 is Brentford’s Neighbourhood Community Safety Co-ordinator

In an emergency ALWAYS dial 999
For all NON emergency calls use 101
If you have no mobile signal, 999 will NOT work but 112 will put you straight through to the emergency services. 112 will also work anywhere in Europe.

Policing Pledge (pdf)

Community Safety

CRIMESTOPPER 0800 555 111 www.crimestoppers-uk.org

Contact Information:
Police Sergeant Christopher Jones
Community Support Officer PCSO Faisal Puttyraj
Brentford Safer Neighbourhood Team (SNT)
Brentford Police Station
Half Acre

Office tel: 020 82475974
020 8721 2533

Mobile tel: 07881723891

Safer Neighbourhoods

Police Counter Terrorism Command (CTC) Anti-Terrorist hotline 0800 789 321

Hounslow Council Weekend Noise Team: 020 8583 2222

Report a Crime: 0300 123 1212

Metropolitan Police Fraud Alert    www.met.police.uk/fraudalert

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Suspicious Signs
Residents who live on the railway side of Hamilton Road have reported to Neighbourhood Watch that they continue to notice evidence of intruders in their back gardens. Signs such as leaning fences, broken trellis work, trampled plants and flattened grass have been noted.  It is thought that thieves may use the driveway adjacent to 17 Windmill Road to gain access into the area near to the railway line and then climb over walls and fences into back gardens to see what can be stolen, looking for unsecured shed’s or shed’s with padlocks that can be easily prized open, windows that have been left open/unsecured or back doors left unlocked.  Hamilton Road and Westbury Place residents are reminded to be on constant alert both day and night for unusual or suspicious noises coming from our back and front gardens. If you see or hear anything suspicious and are certain that a crime is taking place or about to take place, dial 999. The Brentford Safer Neighbourhoods Team has been informed of the above.   

Mayor of London’s Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC)
On Monday 16th January, a new department, the ‘Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime’ (MOPC), took over full responsibility from the Metropolitan Police Authority which has now ceased to exist.  Headed by the Deputy Mayor for Policing and Crime, who will report directly to the Mayor of London, the MOPC will be responsible for the Metropolitan Police priorities and performances in the London area.

Police operational matters will still be the responsibility of the Metropolitan Police commissioner. 

Catalytic Converters
International Security Register, www.TheISR.org
Catalytic converters are being stolen in great numbers throughout the U.K. and recently one morning, a Catalytic Convertor was stolen from a vehicle parked in the Windmill Road area of Brentford.  Containing precious metals, a Catalytic Convertor takes only a few seconds to remove, but the cost to replace could set the unfortunate victim back by at least £1,200.  Commercial vehicles and 4x4s are the preferred target for thieves as the vehicles sit higher off the ground making it easier for thieves to crawl underneath.  It is recommended that owners of this type of vehicle mark their catalytic converter by using special marking kits purchased from International Security Register at www.TheISR.org or telephone  01233 333 000.

Thefts of Commercial Vehicles (Vans)
In the Hounslow area alone there has been a notable increase of thefts of Commercial Vehicles, with the ‘Mercedes Sprinter’ being a favoured target.  If you use a Commercial Vehicle for business purposes, please ensure that you take adequate precautions to protect your vehicle from being stolen.

Frost Jacking
Vehicle owner’s are reminded that when starting their vehicles in streets on extremely cold days and leaving the vehicle unlocked and unattended to warm up are in danger of having their vehicle taken by ‘Frost Jackers’. Vehicle owners have been seriously injured and a number have lost their lives when they have tried to stop their vehicles being taken.                     

January 26, 2012