Temporary Increase in Odour at Mogden

As Thames Water drains and cleans tanks


Thames Water Customer Services - Mogden Line (24hr/day): 0845 641 0030

Mogden is the second largest Sewage Treatment Works in the UK, serving 1.9 million people.  For more information please visit thameswater.co.uk/mogden

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Comment on this story on the

As part of the project to increase capacity at Mogden Sewage Treatment Works, we have recently commissioned the new inlet works and primary settlement tanks, which are all covered and odour-controlled.

With this extra treatment capacity, we are now taking the existing uncovered rectangular primary settlement tanks out of service so that we can refurbish and cover them, reducing any odour associated with these tanks.  The tanks are located on the west side of the works, and require draining and cleaning, which may be temporarily odorous.

There are three tanks to drain and clean.  Draining and cleaning the third and final tank will commence on the evening of Sunday 21 October and is expected to take 3 days.

We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Thames Water

October 26, 2012

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