Second Year of Construction at Mogden

An Update from Thames Water


Mogden Residents' Action Group (MRAG)

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We are now into our second year of construction to improve Mogden Sewage Treatment Works, and have already built more than half of the additional treatment tanks.

This puts us firmly on track to increase the site’s capacity by 50 per cent by March 2013, which will reduce the amount of sewage that overflows into the River Thames after heavy rain.

Our good progress has allowed us to start installing the machinery for two of the four key treatment areas being extended, which means they will be in use at the beginning of next year.

At the inlet works, we have installed screens that will remove from the incoming sewage items like nappies and other materials that should not be flushed down the toilet. The flow of sewage is then slowed in the primary settlement tanks, where we have put in place the equipment that will remove the heavy particles that settle to the bottom.

We have also built two of the five new aeration lanes, where we bubble air through the sewage to encourage bacteria to eat the organic matter.

In addition, we have recently started building the foundations for the ten new final settlement tanks, where any remaining solids are removed before the cleaned effluent is safely returned to the river. This activity will continue into the autumn, and can generate noise and vibration, as it involves hammering 1,700 concrete piles into the ground.

Working hours for the main construction activities will continue to be limited to between 8am and 6pm, Monday to Friday.

August 25, 2011

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