Appeal to trace missing teenage boy from Hounslow

Last seen around Richmond Bridge

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Police in Hounslow are appealing for assistance tracing a missing teenage boy.

Adrian Palaniciuc, 17, was last seen by his mother at their home in Whitton Road, Hounslow at about 19:00hrs on Tuesday, 4 December, but is believed that he may have been in the Richmond Bridge area at around 21:30hrs

Adrian is Romanian, approx. 1m65cm tall with a slim build, short dark hair and was last seen wearing a jacket with hood, a purple jumper and black tracksuit bottoms.

It is out of character for Adrian to go missing and due to this unusual behaviour officers are seriously concerned about his safety and wellbeing.

Adrian has been in the UK only for about three months and speaks only a little English and mainly Spanish.

Anyone who knows the whereabouts of Adrian or was on Richmond Bridge about 21:30hrs on Tuesday, 4 December and may have seen Adrian, then please call police on 101 and ask for the information to be passed to the CID at Hounslow Police Station

December 5, 2012

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