Mary Macleod to visit John's Boat Works

Restored boatyard on Lots Ait

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John's Boat Works

Mary Macleod, the MP for Chiswick, Brentford, Isleworth, Osterley and Hounslow will be visiting John’s Boat Works, the historic boatyard on Lots Ait on Friday 15th February. 

Mary will be arriving at Lots Ait at 3.00pm.  She will be given a tour of the island by John’s Boat Works owner, John Watson, and shown the restored workshop and boatyard.

John’s Boat Works is on Lots Ait, which is accessed by the new footbridge from Brentford High Street.

The regenerated boat yard has a slipway, tidal dry dock, workshops and exterior hard standing, and will offer a wide range of boatbuilding, repair and restoration services to boat owners on the Thames and the Grand Union Canal in the London area.  We hope to attract owners of traditional wooden craft to the yard which will provide a superb facility for traditional and heritage boat building and restoration projects.

The Boatyard also has a number of self contained compact work spaces available inside our large workshop. These are available for rent to local boat enthusiasts for boat building, restoration and self build projects and also professional craftsmen and women. Each work space will include a power supply, workbench and tool storage. Boat related use is preferred, but related joinery or other craft projects may be accommodated.

Our workspace users will benefit from a pleasant environment, friendly advice and assistance from our experienced on site boat builders, and the camaraderie of fellow boat enthusiasts. There will also be a timber machining service and general boat supplies available from our in-house chandlery.

For more information on Lot’s Ait and John’s Boat Works, visit and

February 11, 2013

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