Telescope 400 (Thomas Harriot Day at Syon Park)

Sunday July 26th 11.00 – 17.00

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Telescope 400

First Moon Map made in Syon Park

Harriot moon

One of Harriot's maps, copyright Lord Egremont, click for bigger image

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Come and celebrate the 400th anniversary of Thomas Harriot’s historic observations of the Moon at Syon Park, by participating in the following activities

All Day Exhibitions and Displays in the Great Conservatory

  • Harriot’s Maps and Drawings
  • Contemporary maps and images of the Sun and Moon
  • Dark Skies Awareness – the fight against light pollution
  • Local Astronomy Societies – get involved!
  • Inflatable Planetarium

Activites, Observations and activities

  • Solar Telescopes - look safely at the Sun with the help of experts
  • Learn how to draw what you see – a workshop
  • Solar Projection – see our star in all its magnificence
  • Make & Take – simple starfinders and sundials to take home and USE
  • Create a Comet!
  • Design & launch a rocket
  • Meet a Spaceman - learn what it would be like to go to the Moon
  • Visit the Explorer Dome - see stars in our mobile planetarium!
  • Win a telescope! There will be a raffle with a telescope (a new Heritage 76mm Dobsonian - 400th anniversary model) as the main prize, donated by the Widescreen Centre and Optical Vision
  • Listen to music of Harriot's time: There will be a short concert in the Great Hall, featuring "Cantamus", a Choral Group that specialises in music of the Elizabethan period

Programme of Talks
There will be a rolling programme of talks throughout the day. Topics will include the 40th anniversary of Apollo 11, and Living in Space.

Unveiling of Thomas Harriot Memorial
At 16.30 a memorial plaque will be unveiled. Visitors are invited to attend the ceremony to be performed by Lord Egremont of Petworth, close to the location of Harriot’s observations of the Moon on July 26th 1609

Evening Lecture and Reception 17.30 - 20.00 (separate ticket must be purchased)
The lecture – ‘Thomas Harriot: the Englishman who beat Galileo’ will be given by Dr Allan Chapman, University of Oxford. This will be followed by a buffet reception, with music of Harriot’s time.

Note: There is no charge for these activities apart from entrance to the House and Gardens except for the Planetarium and the Evening Lecture/Reception.

June 18, 2009