Brentford's St George's Day Celebration

To Combine with Royal Wedding this year

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This year St George’s Day 23 April falls on a Saturday, Easter Saturday, to be precise and the following Friday (29 April) is to be a bank holiday for the Royal Wedding.

The Brentford High Street Steering Group thought it might be a great opportunity for a double celebration with a massive street party on the High Street, Brentford Lock Piazza and along the Canal by The Island.

The event will start at 2pm which gives the chance for everyone to watch the Wedding on the television before coming down to the High Street to join in the party atmosphere. Subject to costs and availability it might be possible to get some big screens.

Attractions will include music and dancing, various stalls, food and drink, local groups and charities, canoeing and many more to be confirmed.

Anyone who would like more information or would like to take a stall please contact Julia Quilliam 020 8847 4737.

February 24, 2011

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