Riana Youth Engagement Workshop |
Saturday 26th, open to everyone
Date: Saturday 26th March 2011 During the Summer, Riana Development Foundation arranged for a group of young people from less privileged backgrounds to take pictures of aspects of our city and community that caught their attention and to describe in just a few words what these pictures meant to them. The Workshop will provide a centre point for them to start thinking about global issues and how to take action. Activities
Riana Development Foundation Network (RDFN) Founded in 2005 promotes Community Programmes aimed at building capacity for self-reliance through direct work with young people in the UK and overseas. Riana pursues its objectives through provision of Information Guidance and Advice, training and support to young people within the BME communities. RDFN projects include; § Supplementary Education for Key Stages 1, 2 and 3 of the national curriculum § Health and well being focusing on young people and their parents § Youth and Advocacy, focusing on issues which are local to young people in the UK and overseas. For further information about the charity please check www.riana.org.uk March 18, 2011 |