Presenting Robb Johnson's "The Ghost of Love"

The Story of Mary, an Unmarried Mother from Feltham

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An evening of festive entertainment performed by songwriter Robb Johnson, widely recognised as one of the UK's finest contemporary songwriters.

The evening takes place at the Coach and Horses on the evening of Sunday December 6th.

According to Robb, "This is the Brentford launch of The Ghost of Love, a christmas song suite set in, erm... Hounslow. It is now confirmed for 6th December at The Coach & Horses, Brentford. It’s free, it starts at 5.30pm, kids are welcome (indeed it kicks off with a kids concert, featuring festive songs about camels, donkeys, dinosaurs etc) & it features the Ghost of Love songs performed live by me & the Irregulars."

" The Ghost of Love" is a song suite that tells the story of Mary, Gary andJay through their various Christmas experiences.

The Ghost of Love (Irregular Records IRR076) is released on 30th November, with distribution by Proper, and already are selling it for £7.99, and for £9.79 - with free postage!

Robb and the Irregulars are all really excited & chuffed about this album. Robb says:

"Erm.. personally, um err, as a writer, err um, I think this is one of the best albums wot I writ. & the playing by the Irregulars is immaculate - awesome bass & drums courtesy of Messrs Forrester & Waygood, decorated by Mr Watson's magnificent melodeon, concertina & harmonica, Ms Browton's splendidly emotive cello, & the blood & fire & soul of Mr Walker's brass playing."

December 1, 2009

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