Men Behaving Dadly

Saturday morning sessions at Brentford FC for Dads and their kids

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Dads in Hounslow have the chance to bond with their kids through Street Dreams charity’s Men Behaving Dadly (MBD) project.

MBD is a series of fun sessions for Dads with children under seven years old and will be held on Saturday and Sunday mornings in three locations in Hounslow throughout the year.

Activities include crafts, food tasting, sports and trips and are held at Cranford Children’s Centre, Brentford Children's Centre and The Bedfont Children Centre.You do not have to book and can just turn up on the day, it is 10am-11:30 am on Sundays at Brentford and Saturdays for the other two locations.


As well as helping fathers to bond with children the sessions will provide a relaxed atmosphere for children to play with their kids and for Dads to socialize with each other.

A father who attended MBD previously, said: “I was finding it really difficult to deal with my son’s behaviour. He was very active, challenging and exhausting. I was at my wit's end, and it was affecting my other children and my wife.

“Meeting Jay (MBD session worker) has been wonderful. I have felt comfortable talking to him about the problems we have been dealing with, and he has been a great support to us all. Coming to the sessions has taught me to play differently with my children and I don’t get frustrated anymore.”

MBD will be delivered by trained male community workers who can also provide advice and information to Dads during and after the sessions.

Street Dreams has been running MBD in Buckinghamshire for four years, and this is its second year in the London Borough of Hounslow.

The project funded by Hounslow Sure Start Children’s Centres, is very popular with Dads and has been a great platform for families.

For further information please contact Jay Blades, Street Dreams, on 07730605565.


October 26, 2010

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