• Cultivate London Fundraising Dinner

    Dine in style above City Hall in London's Living Room

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    Benefitting Cultivate London's youth horticultural training program

    Thursday, 11th April, 2013
    Silent auction opens at 6:30pm, dinner at 7pm    

    Where: London’s Living Room,
    City Hall, London, SE1 2AA                 

    Dinner by celebrity chef Oliver Rowe, featuring Cultivate London produce
    Key Note Speaker
    Live auction by Tom Keane of Chiswick Auctions
    Live Entertainment by the fabulous Fitzroy Six

    Tickets £50

    For tickets and information please contact Adrienne at adrienne@cultivatelondon.org, 0780 565 8934


    Cultivate London is an innovative urban farm based across multiple sites (formerly disused plots of land) in West London.
    Cultivate London has three main objectives:

    1. To generate training opportunities and jobs for unemployed young people aged 16-25 in practical horticulture.
    2. To convert derelict and vacant land across London into productive food growing space.
    3. To increase the amount of local and organically grown produce consumed by Londoners.

    Our primary goal is to provide training opportunities and jobs for NEET youth between the ages of 16 and 25.  We do so in a practical horticulture setting; we run a horticultural social enterprise, whereby all income generated by the sale of the organically grown herbs, vegetables and flowers that we grow is directed back towards the running the enterprise. This then allows us to continue to provide work and training for the young people with whom we work. 

    January 15, 2013

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