BRAG (Brentford Recycling Action Group) invites you to its 14th AGM |
Speakers from the Healthy Planet, Bluedome Synergies and LB Hounslow
BRAG Annual General Meeting Tuesday 19 November 7:00 pm Docking Station, 108 High Street, Brentford TW8 8AT You are invited to the thirteenth Brentford Recycling Action Group Annual General Meeting. It will be held on Tuesday, 19th November 2012, at 7.00pm at the Docking Station, 108 High Street, Brentford. As you probably know, BRAG (Brentford Recycling Action Group) is a voluntary, non-political community waste action group made up of Brentford residents. We work to raise awareness of waste issues and to promote activities and facilities to improve the local environment for the benefit of local people. Our guest speaker will be Camen M. Gupta, Operations Manager, Healthy Planet – “The Healthy Planet Organisation” - followed by Natasha Epstein, Head of Waste and Recycling Services, Regeneration, Economic Development and Environment Department, London Borough of Hounslow who will talk about “Tackling Issues and Changing with the Times”. Then Thomas Burgess, Waste and Recycling Project Officer, LBH, will bring us up to date with “Flats above shops rubbish and recycling service – the story so far”. We will also hear from Paul Richens, a founder member of BRAG, now Horticultural Trainer, Bluedome Synergies, who will tell us about a course – Soil Life, Full Package - he recently attended at the Rodale Institute in Pennsylvania. All the speakers will answer questions afterwards, and there will be time for informal discussion while we enjoy the refreshments that will follow. Speakers will answer questions afterwards, and there will be more time for informal discussion while we enjoy the refreshments and wine that will follow. So, if you've contributed to our success in any way or are just interested in our activities, we'd love to see you on the 13th and hope you will find the evening both enjoyable and informative. To confirm your attendance, or if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch with either of us at the contacts below.
Douglas Benford: Tel 020 8568 3145 e-mail
November 4, 2013 |