A full week of fun activities

Monday 16th Age UK Hounslow begins Christmas Celebration Week 11.00-14.30
Come and join our first day of Christmas, lots to do, including Line Dancing, 11.20-11.45 Sign & Sing Choir 12.00-12.10, Zumba 12.25-12.50, Hounslow Symphony Orchestra 12.50-13.20, Christmas Carols & Violin thereafter and all topped off with Festive refreshments

Tuesday 17th Members Christmas Luncheon 12-2pm (£10 charge applies)
Come & join us for our last members Christmas luncheon with all the trimmings, held at Alexandra House & accompanied by various musical entertainments and pass the parcel.
Wednesday 18th Christmas Celebration Day 11.00-14.30
Christmas fun at Age UK Hounslow continues, delights include taster sessions of fun & fitness on and off chair exercises 11.00-11.30, Buggies, Mums, Nans & Prams 11.30-12.00, pass the parcel 12.00-12.30, Zumba 12.30-13.00, and while this is all happening there will be stalls, tombola and carol singing by Cranford Community College. After all that enjoy some festive tasty treats.
Thursday 19th Christmas Pampering Day 10.00-15.00
From 10am until 1.30pm, relax and enjoy 15 minute sessions of manicure and head massage, we are lucky to have twenty nine West Thames college therapists available, drop in sessions but please register your interest, also from 10.30-1.30 health checks & advice by Hounslow and Richmond Community Healthcare NHS, then enjoy a Pilates & Fun class with Wendy, nicely rounded off with tasty festive treats.
Age UK Hounslow,
Alexandra House,
Albany Road,
Brentford, Middlesex,
020 8560 6969
Reg. Charity No: 1061681
December 10, 2013