Brentford Community Council to Oppose Major Development Mixed
reception to proposed new developments
Nearby residents also expressed concerns about their houses being overlooked by the develpment and having the sunlight blocked by the new flats, which will rise to 18 stories. Peter Hughes of the Brentford Community Council told us that there was clear that there was a lot of disquiet over the scheme and that the BCC would be recommending that Hounslow Council reject the scheme. The scheme will go before Brentford + Isleworth Area Committee for comment on 4 April. However, there are also supporters amongst local residents. "It's about time something happened on this site - it's been an eyesore for years", a Manor Vale resident told "It looks like this will be an educational facility to put Brentford on the map, and we should be proud that we can host facilities like this". At a meeting of the Griffin Park Residents Association, Barratt Homes took questions concerning the Wallis House site. Residents expressed hope that the development was a 'landmark' building and contained facilities useful to the whole community, including shops and additional transport facilities. Steve Curra, GPRA chair, congratulated Barratt Homes on their willingness to attend residents meetings and listen to people who would be living close to the major new development. 9 Jan 2004 Become a member of - it's free Comment on this story on the